One of our body’s natural biological needs is eating to survive. As a parent, you want to provide this biological need to your child. We are a social society, and a lot of our family and community time is built on getting together and enjoying foods in a social environment.

As a parent, you can feel helpless, frustrated, and upset that no matter what you have tried, your child is unable to get the foods in their body that they need and you want them to enjoy.

At Speech Easy, we understand this and have specialized in different programs and complete ongoing trainings in order to keep abreast of the best evidenced-based practice and emplore the use of different techniques in order to provide individualized treatment programs for each child and their families.

Oral motor feeding……

Sensory based feeding therapy…….


  • Individual Sessions

    Early Intervention in-home sessions

    In-clinic treatment rooms and kitchen/dining to replicate home environment

    frequency and duration dependent on recommendation

  • Group Sessions

    In-clinic treatment

    peer-based (evidenced-based), we learn through what we see and love to see our friends do it!

    monthly sessions

  • Intensive Feeding Program

    Monday-Friday 2 therapy hours daily. Duration three weeks at a time

    Based on neuroplasticity of brain and repetition. Doing it a lot at once, can equal increased progress. 20 hours in 3 weeks equals 5-10 months of weekly therapy.

    Designed to address 1-2 goals at a time